Take action for chickens now

Sign the Better Chicken Commitment pledge

A close up of a chicken around 6-7 weeks old, packed in with other chickens so close that the ground can't be seen.

Add your name here to show the chicken industry and food businesses that you want higher welfare chicken products that meet the requirements of the Better Chicken Commitment.

  • Like most Australians, I care about the welfare of farmed animals.  

    Chickens farmed for meat are one of the most poorly treated animals in the agriculture industry. Every year, millions of Aussie chickens suffer short, miserable lives before being slaughtered using outdated and cruel methods. I want that to change. 

    As many Australians like me grow more aware and concerned about how animals are farmed for food, I'm looking to restaurants and shops to match expectations for better animal welfare, sustainability, and food quality. 

    I’m calling on food businesses to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and introduce higher welfare standards for all chickens in their supply chain. This includes better living conditions, more humane slaughter methods, and switching to healthier, slower growing chicken breeds that promote good welfare.

    It’s time to change the way chickens are farmed in Australia. 

    The Better Chicken Commitment must be the new standard for Aussie chickens. 

How do we raise the bar for chicken welfare?

A shed of young BCC compliant chickens. Some are eating from feeders, some are resting. In the foreground, one chicken examines a bright red ball hung at chicken height for enrichment. In the background, a man is putting down a fresh hay bale.


Change happens when everyday people stand up and demand it.

If you eat chicken, or spend your hard-earned money in shops or restaurants that sell chicken, you can be a powerful voice for change in the chicken industry.

That’s why we need you to sign our Better Chicken Commitment pledge (and share it with your friends and family). It’s a simple and effective way to prove to businesses and the chicken industry that we want better welfare standards for chickens. 

Most Australians don’t have the option of choosing higher welfare chicken products from slower growing breeds – because right now they’re almost impossible to find in Australia. There are a few small farms that specialise in rearing these higher welfare chickens, but you can’t buy them at regular supermarkets. 

But if voting with your wallet isn’t really an option yet, how can you tell food businesses what you want them to change? 

That’s what this whole campaign is about. 

Two easy actions you can do right now to help chickens are: 

  1. Sign the Better Chicken Commitment pledge, to show that you support businesses making the switch to better chicken 

  2. Spread the word – most Aussies are unaware of how bad life is for our chickens, and, like you, will want better welfare standards 

As our campaign grows, there’ll be more opportunities to help demonstrate your support for the Better Chicken Commitment. Signing our BCC pledge will also get you on our email list, where we’ll share more opportunities to help chickens have a better life.

Four young BCC compliant chickens rest or stand on a bay bale in their brightly lit barn. A man crouches behind them, watching how they use the hay bale.


Tell shops & restaurants: it’s time to be welfare leaders

We’ve already seen consumer pressure for better chicken welfare standards work – with eggs. Now, most eggs sold in Australia are cage-free. Coles and Woolworths have both committed to stop selling cage eggs by 2025. All state and territory governments have committed to phase out battery cages by 2036. This only happened because people like you took action and demanded better!

Together, we can create the same change for chickens raised for meat!