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It’s time to make life better for chickens
Over 700 million meat chickens are raised and slaughtered in Australia every year. But most of these birds lead short, miserable lives.
Chickens are selectively bred to grow too big and fast for their own bodies to handle. They don’t get enough space, light, or clean air. And they are killed using outdated, inhumane methods.
They deserve better.
The Better Chicken Commitment is a commitment for businesses to introduce higher welfare standards for all chickens in their supply chain. It sets targets for the most important welfare issues for chickens raised for meat. is includes better living conditions, more humane slaughter methods, and switching to healthier, slower growing chicken breeds that promote good welfare.
As Australians grow more aware and concerned about where our food comes from, we’re looking to restaurants and shops to meet our expectations for animal welfare, sustainability, and food quality.
Hundreds of companies across North America and Europe are signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment.
But in Australia, not much has changed for chickens in over a decade.
Your voice is powerful
We’ve already seen consumer pressure for better chicken welfare standards work – with eggs. Now, most eggs sold in Australia are cage-free. Coles and Woolworths have both committed to stop selling cage eggs by 2025. All state and territory governments have committed to phase out battery cages by 2036. This only happened because people like you took action and demanded better!
Together, we can create the same change for chickens raised for meat!
Image: Young chickens living on a Better Chicken Commitment compliant farm in the UK.