Website Terms of Use


  • This website is owned and operated by the Australian Alliance for Animals Ltd ABN 68 654 428 690 (‘Alliance for Animals’, ‘our’, ‘we’ or ‘us’).  

  • These Terms of Use apply to the following electronic services (‘Electronic Services’):  

    • Alliance for Animals website and its content;  

    • Electronic communications from the Alliance for Animals.  

  • Users of our Electronic Services (‘users’) agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.  

Intellectual property  

  • The Alliance for Animals owns all rights and interests in the Electronic Services (‘Intellectual property’).  

  • Except where indicated otherwise, this includes, but is not limited to:  

    • Graphics, logos and images;  

    • Text and information;  

    • Video, audio and other media;  

    • Trademarks, trade names and copyright;  

    • Layout and look and feel.  

Restrictions on use  

  • Our Electronic Services are provided strictly for personal non-commercial use.  

  • Users must not reproduce or use the Intellectual Property of the Alliance for Animals in any way other than for the purpose and in the manner provided by these Terms of Use.  

Warranties and disclaimers 

  • We make no representations or warranties about our Electronic Services, including (without limitation) that: 

    • they are complete, accurate, reliable, up-to-date and suitable for any particular purpose; 

    • access will be uninterrupted, error-free or free from viruses; or 

    • our website will be secure. 

  • You read, use and act on our Electronic Services at your own risk. 

Limitation of liability 

  • We are not responsible for any loss, damage or expense (Liability) suffered by you or any third party, arising from or in connection with your use of our Electronic Services and/or any inaccessibility, loss or corruption of data or incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date content. 


  • You agree to indemnify us, and hold us harmless, against any Liability suffered or incurred by us arising from or in connection with your use of our Electronic Services or any breach of these Terms of Use or any applicable laws by you.


  • These Terms of Use are subject to change, and you are taken to agree to any amendments made if you continue to use our Electronic Services.  

  • If you do not agree to our Terms of Use, you must cease to use our Electronic Services.  

Governing law  

  • These Terms of Use are governed by the law of the State of New South Wales, Australia. 


If you have any queries or complaints about our Terms of Use please contact us at: 

Australian Alliance for Animals  
16 Goodhope St PADDINGTON NSW 2021 

Last updated: 24 May 2024